His Safe Haven

Serving impoverished areas of the world by providing abandoned and special needs children with necessary housing, food, education, medical care and spiritual support in a safe and therapeutic environment, with an emphasis on maintaining intact family units.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Play Day and Therapy Day!

 What a blessing to be able to spend quality time with each of the children, seeing how they have improved and trying to get a laugh out of each one of them...not always an easy task.

Caught William smiling!
Gracie has been consistently laughing at the silliest things for the past two day!  It's awesome!

Alvena is such a special girl...loved hearing her laugh today!

No problem smiling for these two!

Jr. loves the walker and playing games and following directions!

He's always so serious around me...but he's quite the happy guy!
I could not catch Diamonds smile on camera, but he was actually smiling, laughing and loving our story time!

Laughing all the time!

A lot of giggles out of her today!

Hannah loves talking on the phone and is so animated!  She's a hoot!

The Three Musketeer's!

Our Physical Therapist actually evaluated each child today and instructed each of the mom's. 

This little one was laughing and hamming it up today!  Didn't catch the smile on camera...

Eric was really occupied with this sock and cup!  It was so cute to watch!

Here's our miracle girl!  Just look at how strong she is now!  She loves riding in the truck, smiles the whole time!

All the evaluations went great today.

Gracie laughed all afternoon!